Tuesday, February 2, 2010

10 things i will miss when i move to Wellington

1. My family. Last time i was away from my family was June/July 2009, and only for two weeks. And in those two weeks, i called them every single day and spoke to them till i ran out of credit. They are my everything. I'm not sure how i'll cope without them. 

2. My friends. Some of them have already graduated, and i miss them heaps, but i will miss the girls who'll still be in town more.  I'll definitely be looking forward to winter break. 

3. Being in a familiar place. Dunedin is home, and Wellington is a much larger city. TBH, i am a little intimidated by big places. I feel nervous stepping out. And yes, i am the dreaded tourist who'll stop people to ask for directions (even though i probably have  city map somewhere in my bag)

4. Sunny days, and walking to Rob Roy's with the girls for ice-cream. 

5. Walking to my friend Chnour's place for tea break. Her couch is also the perfect place to take a quick nap. You'll wake up and feel as good as new. 

6. Driving to uni with my sister. She's been patient with me these past few years, and i don't know how i'll do without her. I should have taken her advice ages ago and gone for my license. 

7. Our spontaneous trips to town, a.k.a George Street, and our most popular hangout the Meridian Mall. 

8. Ramadan at the masjid. During that holy month, the masjid becomes the ultimate hangout place. We get to see everybody every night for 30 days, and catch up with those we don't often see around campus.  

9. The Ramadan iftars. The best food in town is served at the Al Huda mosque. 'nuf said. 

10. The people. There are amazing people living in Dunedin. Seeing them brings joy to my heart, and they will truly be missed. 


Shahirah Elaiza said...

No. 8 & 9 - so true =( I'm so glad I have another year at Otago... I'd miss all these things / people too!

-Amina said...

But we've sure made the best of our last Ramadan together. It was absolutely amazing. We've even got pictures to prove it :p Remember them!! Lol

Shahirah Elaiza said...

Haha we did!! It was insane... I can't imagine Ramadhan without you girls!

-Amina said...

I'm going to miss Ramadan with you girls terribly!! I hope some holiday falls within that month so i can steal some time and come home. InshaAllah!

SKL said...

:( amina i'll make saj drive 3 hours everyday and we'll have iftar together lol. Love dundun and miss home heaps...

-Amina said...

^ I wish!! But maybe we could do it one weekend :)

Glad to see you on my blog :)


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