Friday, November 12, 2010

End of another year.

I woke up this morning with a lighter heart. I didn't bolt out of bed to get dressed and leave for uni, i didn't start my day panicking about studies. Instead i woke up, washed up and sat on the couch at my friend's place and patiently waited for my breakfast.
These past 4 weeks were filled with anxiety, stress, i got little sleep and spent my days juggling an intensive study schedule and work all the while trying to stay positive, and to top things off i had to pack and clean up my apartment. Only when i laid everything out did i realize I'd amassed a lot of stuff during my 8 months in my studio apartment, and that meant a lot of stuff had to be thrown out in order to fit my stuff in my small-ish suitcase and 2 carry bags. 

I am looking forward to a relaxing summer. I miss sitting at the beach with an ice cream in hand with my sisters. I've missed my family and certainly the city i call home.
Expect a lot more blogging from now on my lovely followers, and keep your eyes peeled for a little summer giveaway. More details will be given later.

Caiou for now my lovelies :)
[photocredit: weheartit]

1 comment:

Shahirah Elaiza said...

Hurry come back to Dunners!!!


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