She has worked exceptionally hard the past three years. We, the family, have seen her at her best and her worst (when she'd had a horrible day at the clinic with a patient). We've stressed, panicked and cheered with her these past 3years. And when a few weeks her final grades came out, and we were certain she's graduating we were all very happy for her.
The past few weeks, she was in a frenzy, as expected. She was running around like a head-less chicken looking for an outfit to wear. Every store in town we'd visited more than once, so many times we looked at a item and thought "This is the one", and of course, none of them turned out to be "The One". Only a week to go, and she was still unsure what she was going to wear. But, Alhamdulilah she found an outfit, and a few days ago, became all set and ready to make the march from the University Dental School to the Dunedin Town Hall.
Saturday morning was spent taking pictures around the University campus with the family and friends. We then attended a luncheon held by the Dental school, which was then followed by the much anticipated parade through the city.
{BOH Grads: Sam, Zainab and Suzan}
{With fellow BOH grad; Rue}
{Yours truly with my brother; Abdalla}
The ceremony itself was a bitter sweet one. It was nice seeing Zainab and the rest of our friends finally graduate from their courses, but it also reminded me of the fact that they would all be leaving us and that there were no longer going to be visits to the Dental school to see the girls, i was no longer going to get rides to/from varsity form my sister, and Dunedin wouldn't be the same again.
i didnt even know you had a blog mi but this is pretty awesome! great pics! u know i was so excited just watching the parade, a big congratulations to you Zee,all the best in absolutely everyting you do babe :D're next!
- Patricia, xx
Yay for Zee! So proud of her! Next will be us, inshaAllah, ey Amina =)
I'm not new to your blog, but I want to say congrats to your sister. Mashallah.
I have broken my silence; I'm no longer your silent reader.
Pats, so glad you found my blog! I'll deliver your message to Zee =)
Sha, inshaAllah! I can't wait!! =D
Pearlhope24, thank you! And thanks for following my blog (even if it is secretly, that still counts).
Thank you all for the wishes :)
Hi! I like your blog. I recently found out about through a blogroll-list named or something like that=) Sorry for my poor english. I did not know there were Somalis in New Zealand.:P Greetings from Norway=)
it* Hope my English is properly spelled=)
Thatnks, Anon! There are lots of Somalis in NZ alhamdulillah. And thanks for letting me know about the somalibloggers website, I didn't know it existed.
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