Friday, June 3, 2011

HFW: Day 5- Jummah

As a student, I went to Jummah in whatever I was wearing to class in the morning. I never made special arrangements for Jummah simply because I didn't have the time. It was always grab and go. But now that I am no longer a student (and yet employed) I am able to put more thought and effort in my Jummah outfit. Which is why i usually go for a simple maxi-dress, cardigan and a matching-ish scarf to pull things together. Nothing special, nothing too over the top. Same goes for my makeup. 

Scarf: Witchery
Maxi: Glassons
Cardigan: Cotton On

Click on the badge to see what the other girls are wearing.

5 comments: said...

Agreed sis, less make up less fidgety accessories. Simplle yet beautiful MashAllah!

SKL said...

have I seen that cardi before? I likes :D

Saj said...

Total babe! xx

aminisiddika said...

Lovely! I was wondering if you could give me advice on how to get my blog out there, like you(:

-Amina said...

Thanks Ebru! :)

SKL: I'm pretty sure you have. I've owned it since the summer. Thanks! :D

Saj: <3 teehee

aminisiddika: Thanks for the comment! I reckon just write from your heart, and write what makes you happy.


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