Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Incredible Night

Last week, I had the fortune of attending a very special event. Three very talented brothers were in town for a one-off show and boy was I glad I found out about it. You see, these lads were supposed to make an appearance in New Zealand, which unfortunately didn't happen. BUT, seeing them in Australia is definitely one of the highlights of my stay here!

Okay, I won't stall any longer, if you've heard of The Strangers' Tour then you know who I'm talking about. Yes, the super talented brothers were non-other than Boona Mohammed (whom I blogged about here), the famous Youtuber; Baba Ali, and the very well-spoken Sh. Navaid Aziz.
I was so star-struck once they came into the hall, I was jumping and clapping on the inside. Off course, I had to stay composed and not come across as the stalker fan I truly am. LOL. I didn't have a camera with me so didn't take any pictures to show you, I did however take LOADS of mental pictures. I don't sound like a stalker now, do I? Hehe

Anyway, the night, despite starting on Muslim time, i.e 1 hour late, was a hit! Boona's words, though serious and heavy, were a good reminder as we prepare for the holiest of months. Sh. Navaid followed up with a beautiful example of what an Islamic lecture aimed at a relatively young crowd should be like, on-point, entertaining and most importantly relevant! MashaAllah, there was no fault in the way these two brothers delivered their message on the relationship with Almighty Allah. Baba Ali, being the Youtube sensation that he is, didn't fail to make the room roar with laughter. His segment dealt with the relationship between a husband and wife and how each one must work at understanding their better half rather than whinging about the differences.

This was Boona Mohammed's first piece and coincidentally one of my favorites

Some of the material Baba Ali talked about: Communication

In an ideal world, the night would have been longer, the speakers would have been given unlimited speaking time, and I would have had a better form of transport to-and-from the event. Alas, the night was short, each brother had a short amount of time in which to dazzle us, and my 2 companions and I had to leave during the Q&A session to catch our bus back into the city.

Oh well, at least I got to go. Aye?!


Trendy Melbourne said...

Salam sis,

I was there that night and ur spot on a wonderful night but not enough time given to them. Ahh too much fun.
ahh the old transport issue if only we knw each other I had 2 seats spare.

sis love ur blog mashallah and its a pleasure to see an OZzie blogger.
keep it up,
Luv always
Trendy Melbourne

-Amina said...

Wasalam! I wish it was on for longer than one nigth, I would have def gone a second time round.

Haha, transport is always the problem. Oh well, I had a good time regardless.

Thanks for the love! I love your blog too, and for a long time. If I had seen you I would have come and said hello. Next time, aye!

Trendy Melbourne said...

I agree it was a great night.
Thanks for your support. I thoroughly enjoy reading and learning through other peoples experiences and what i can take from it.
Blogging has opened my eyes to a lot of things alhamdulliah. Who would of thought???


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